Who We Are
At Community Support Network, Inc (CSN) we pour our hearts and souls into the care of our clients. As a nonprofit established in 1991, we support members of this community that are often overlooked. Our services are unique because our clients will require care for their entire lives. CSN ensures that adults with developmental delays increase their confidence and competence. We help our clients to develop the skills to fully participate in this community. How we accomplish our mission:
Employment: We provide well-trained clients to address local business staffing needs.
Life Skills: We support clients in learning and practicing skills of daily living, community outreach, social and emotional learning, and physical activities, which enhances their independence and physical health.
Annual Reports

Our Mission
Community Support Network, Inc. is a non-profit organization committed to providing comprehensive day-time services to individuals with developmental disabilities. These day-time services includeÂ
supported employment, recreation and leisure services, community integration, and case management.
Community Support Network, Inc. believes that all individuals, regardless of their level of functioning, should be integrated and supported in all aspects of community life. Community Support Network strives to promote natural supports and to develop a network of relationships for all consumers.