Our employment program matches clients who want to work and employers that need team members. 96% of our clients who want to work are working in paid jobs. CSN collaborates with an amazing array of employers in the Madison area. We provide training, job placement, and ongoing coaching.
Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of joining our growing team of employers who are enriching the lives of our clients.

What It Means To Be An Employer with CSN
Employing People With Different Abilities:
EVERYBODY WINS. People win by gaining access to meaningful, income producing employment. Employers win by gaining productive, qualified employees. Communities win by gaining more contributing, taxpaying citizens.
INCREASE YOUR POOL OF QUALIFIED WORKERS. Your employees are your primary resource for making your business successful. By using the supported employment concept, you can meet your business needs. Our program works with individuals with severe disabilities who are matched and trained in positions where you need them most.
Service For Employers:
The following services are provided at NO COST to you:
Identification of Job Tasks
Recruitment of Employees
Matching Skills to Job Requirements
Assistance with Training the New Employee
Ongoing assistance to you and your employee with supervision, performance evaluations, additional training and/or other support needs
Become an Employer with CSN
Community Support Network, Inc. (CSN) is a not for profit employment agency for adults with developmental disabilities. At CSN, our ultimate goal is to help adults with cognitive delays and often other disabilities, to participate in the community. One way we achieve this goal is by helping our clients to work. Our approach for each client and employer is as unique as the clients and employers involved.
We Learn About Your Business Needs
The work that you need performed
The physical layout of your business
Anything which may affect who we recommend works for you
We Help You Fill Positions
Pre-screening of potential employees to ensure they are capable of doing the tasks required
Recommending potential employees whose skills, interests, and personalities are a match for your needs
Helping you with the interview process while making decisions between different potential employees
Helping our clients to fill out new hire paperwork
We Provide Ongoing Job Coaching
We assist with training our clients
Ensuring quality and quantity of work accomplished
Ensuring clients’ needs are met with little disturbance at work
Acting as a “mediator” in cases where it may be difficult for clients to communicate easily
We remain available to make changes throughout their employment
Please note, when budgeting for any positions you choose to have our clients fill, all FICA and other typical employee related expenses (Unemployment insurance, Workmen’s Compensation, etc.) will apply as they do for any of your other employees.
Adding You To The Team​
If you are interested in hiring clients through CSN, please CONTACT US. We will help guide you through the process and answer all of your questions.