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Praise for CSN

CSN clients enjoying their time at CSN

What clients, guardians, and staff are saying

“You are so good to us and we like the work you do for us. It makes us happy a lot. Thank you.” - from group card: SM, DZ, MM, HS


“CSN has been a very good fit for us. Everyone has worked very hard to make our daughter’s post high school work experience successful.” - Parent


“It’s inspiring to see the clients grow thanks to the great team at CSN!” - EV


“I always felt highly respected by my supervisors and appreciated their ‘hands on’ approaches. All directors were easy to approach.” - Exit interview with AR (off to the Peace Corps)

What employers and community organizations are saying

“Everybody deserves to have a place where they belong and have an opportunity to earn money!” - Jeff from Vita Plus


“The workers from CSN are very professional and fun!” - Employer


“CSN has been a huge asset to my business!” - Employer


“All of the clients I have a connection with who are served by CSN are having positive experiences. Their guardians agree. CSN staff are always responsive to small and large issues and go the extra mile to watch out for their clients and ensure their safety and happiness. Thanks for a job well done CSN!” - Community Organization

CSN client signing "Thank you" in ASL
CSN client signing "Thank you" in ASL


in American Sign Language

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